How to Claim LP Rewards
BscScan Claim
Access the Mineko contract on Bscscan.
Utilize "Connect to Web3" to link your wallet to Bscscan.
If prompted with a Bscscan dialogue box indicating it's a beta version, press OK.
Choose your wallet from the provided options.
Select "claim."
Tap on "Write."
Validate the transaction within your wallet to collect your accumulated LP tokens.
Import the MINEKO LP contract address into your wallet to monitor your LP token balance.
dApp Claim
Visit the authorized Mineko website.
Press "LP Claim."
Select "Connect Wallet."
Choose your wallet from the provided options.
Click on "LP Claim" again.
Authorize the transaction within your wallet to complete the purchase.
Import the MINEKO LP contract address into your wallet to monitor your LP token balance.
Last updated